Kate Cherrington
Ngāti Hine, Te Kapotai, Ngāpuhi, Ngāi Pākehā

Growing up in Murihiku laid the foundations for Kate’s mahi, which is deeply embedded in values-based organisations and movements such as Te Wānanga o Aotearoa, Amokura Kōhanga Reo, Americans for Indian Opportunity and the Advancement of Māori Opportunity. Her work experience is in education management, evaluation and facilitation.
Since 2015, Kate has had the privilege of working in the philanthropic and not- for-profit sector as an associate with the Centre for Social Impact. She has also served in governance roles on philanthropic, conservation and education organisations, and most important to Kate, in supporting her Ngāti Hine whānau and Miria Marae in Waiōmio. Kate found her life partner in Bentham Ohia, and they operate as directors of Puata Hou Ltd, a whānau business. Through this, they serve many whānau, hapū, and iwi Māori organisations, as well as non-Māori New Zealand and international Indigenous institutions, organisations and movements.
Kia tau te whakaaro, kia aromatawai te wāhi, te take o te wā